Know how to reduce inflammation.

Inflammation Causes and Prevention

When our body tries to heal itself, it fights against harmful substances, wounds, infections, and poisons. This process is known as inflammation. Antibodies and proteins are released during this reaction, and the wounded area receives more blood flow when it persists. This keeps the body on high alert, resulting in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation may […]

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Best Coping Strategy from Mental Exhaustion

Best Coping Strategy from Mental Exhaustion Mental exhaustion, akin to physical fatigue, arises when the brain is subjected to prolonged periods of intense mental activity or stress without sufficient rest. This condition, often called mental fatigue, can stem from various demanding tasks and life situations. Unlike physical exhaustion, which manifests through tired muscles and a […]

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Importance of Lipid profile testing

Why is Lipid Profile Testing important?    

Lipids are a collection of fats and fat-like substances that perform essential bodily functions. They act as a significant energy source, aid in hormone synthesis, facilitate vitamin absorption, and offer insulation. Nevertheless, an imbalance in the types and quantities of lipids can contribute to health problems, particularly cardiovascular diseases. Lipid profile testing, a lipid panel, […]

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