Foods to manage high blood sugar

Ten Foods to Manage Blood Sugar Level

Certain foods can help stabilize our blood sugar levels, while others can make the blood sugar less stable. An individual can manage their blood sugar and insulin levels by eating a balanced diet. Our in-house expert, Dt. Aparna Pandey, MSC-Nutrition and Dietetics, shares an exhaustive list of ten foods that can help manage blood sugar levels. […]

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Tips to have a Healthy Festival

Festivities & Good Health: Things to Know!

As the festivities of the Diwali season begin, it brings along a lavish spread of traditional sweets and snacks. However, nutrition experts caution that these festive foods, often fried and high in sugar, may pose health risks, particularly for individuals with diabetes, weight concerns, or other health conditions. With caution and moderation one can definitely […]

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