Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency

Impact of Vitamin D deficiency in Women

Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. It is essential for our overall health, especially for women. Despite its significance, many women worldwide are unknowingly deficient, with symptoms often ignored or attributed to other causes. Lack of Vitamin D affects bone density in women. Vitamin D facilitates the intake of calcium, which determines […]

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Health Screenings for Women

Nine Health Screenings Women Must Not Miss

Ensuring good health is essential for women. Regular health screenings help individuals maintain overall well-being. They identify potential health issues at an early stage, allowing time for treatment and recovery. This article covers the essential health screenings for women that they must consider to ensure good health. 1. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS: Regular blood pressure checks […]

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Health issues in Women

Women’s Health: Common health issues to know!

Often, women tend to neglect their health, especially post-40s, as they are too busy taking care of their loved ones and their careers. However, this is a crucial time for women to take care of their health, as it will determine their health quality as they age. Aging and its impact are different for individuals. […]

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Six must have Nutrients for Women!

Six must have Nutrients for Women!

Women undergo a lot of hormonal changes during their lifetime due to menstruation, childbirth, and menopause. This means their nutritional needs are different and much more than men’s. Women need several key nutrients to maintain their health. Their nutritional needs change throughout the lifecycle, specifically during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and stress from work. Poor dietary […]

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Cancer Risk in Women is Increasing

Cancer Risk in Women is Increasing

According to recent news, there has been an increasing trend in the mortality rate of certain cancers common in women only. Globally, cancer is the second most lethal non-communicable disease after cardiovascular disease, accounting for about 9.9 million deaths in 2020 across the globe. Around 9% of all these cancer deaths occurred in the Indian population. Analysis […]

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