What leads to Cortisol Belly?

Cortisol Belly: How do we get rid of it?

Is Stubborn belly fat bothering you? It might be cortisol belly! Do you feel constantly stressed and unable to lose that stubborn belly fat despite all your efforts? You never know; you might be experiencing “cortisol belly,” a condition linked to chronically elevated stress hormones. Chronic stress can often cause abdominal fat accumulation. Understanding cortisol belly […]

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Ways to stay healthy in summers!

Tips to stay healthy during Summers!

Summers can be challenging and demanding compared to the other seasons due to the scorching heat. The heat, teamed with sweat, rashes, and sunburn, can overwhelm an individual’s daily routine to stay fit and active.   The sun’s rays can cause breakouts and other ailments, some of which can even be serious, such as sunstrokes, dehydration, […]

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Can gut health impact hormone balance?

How Does Gut Health Impact Hormonal Balance?

Our gut system transcends its traditional role in digestion and is intricately linked to our holistic health, particularly hormonal regulation.  This relationship underscores that disruptions in gut equilibrium can adversely affect our hormonal balance, creating a reciprocal dynamic. Understanding the profound connection between the gut and hormones unveils the importance of a balanced diet in […]

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Can risk of Alzheimer’s be reduced?

Ways to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Degeneration of brain health, memory health, Alzheimer’s, or dementia are common health problems elderly people face. Ageing is inevitable, but losing one’s cognitive ability does not have to be a mandatory part of ageing.  While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, several lifestyle changes can significantly improve brain health and reduce the risk […]

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