Foods that do not Cause Bloating

Foods that do not Cause Bloating!

Most people tend to eat the wrong foods early in the morning for breakfast, which leads to the uncomfortable feeling of bloating that may continue throughout the day. The idea is to go with light foods that are easily digested by the body while keeping us satiated, too. Here are a few breakfast foods to […]

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Foods to Manage cholesterol levels

Five Foods that Help Manage High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential element that plays a crucial role as a building block for our cell membranes. However, too much bad cholesterol may adversely impact our heart health. Our liver naturally creates cholesterol, which travels throughout the body using proteins in the bloodstream. In addition to its cell-building role, cholesterol is important for producing […]

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Know 5 steps for good Mental Health

Improve Mental Health With 5 Key Steps

In our swift, busy, and frequently tense world, looking after our psychological welfare is vital. Mental health includes psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It affects how we feel, think, and act. It also helps determine how we act in a particular situation, handle stress, make healthy choices, and relate to others. Mental health is crucial at […]

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How to lower cholesterol?

Know What to Eat for Lowering Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat like substance (also called a lipid) that our body needs to function correctly. Too much of bad cholesterol in our blood can increase our chance of getting heart disease, stroke, and other problems. Therefore, we must control our cholesterol levels, especially the LDL cholesterol.  Diet is a crucial factor influencing cholesterol levels […]

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Impact Of Excess Uric Acid on Our Health

Impact Of Excess Uric Acid on Our Health

Have you ever heard of purine? It is a chemical compound found in foods that causes formation of uric acid. High levels of this element in our body can create complications, especially kidney-related issues. Some foods contain more purine than others, and uric acid is made and broken down in our body. Generally, uric acid […]

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Tips for Skin care in summers

All About Summer Skin Care! 

Since India is a tropical country, the summer season tends to be harsher in some regions than others, causing havoc on the skin.  The heat and sweltering humidity often turn our skin into a breeding ground for bacteria. Excessive sebum production clogs pores and aggravates skin concerns like breakouts, especially for those with oily and […]

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How to stay healthy during heat wave?

Heat Wave Alert: What to Do & Avoid!

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a red alert on May 21 for a severe heatwave that will affect several states across India. Temperature is expected to exceed 47 degrees Celsius for the next five days. Different parts of India have been witnessing extreme heat waves for several days. The northern regions of the country are […]

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Know to manage Mental Fatigue

Seven Signs of Mental Fatigue to be Aware of!

Feeling stressed and burnt out in today’s fast-paced life is normal. Work and family pressures lead to severe mental fatigue and exhaustion that may cause a lot of psychological issues, including depression, heart problems, obesity, etc. According to experts, when our brain receives too much stimulation or maintains an intense activity level without resting, we […]

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