Can thyroid disorder impact heart health?

How Thyroid Impacts Our Heart Health?

Expert's View Heart Health

People with thyroid issues are highly prone to many health issues. One serious health issue that a thyroid patient may be highly prone to is heart health.

The thyroid gland, resembling a butterfly, is located in the lower part of the neck and secretes hormones that impact the entire body, mainly the heart. The thyroid hormone plays an essential role in our overall well-being. It regulates the intensity and pace of our heartbeat, as well as our blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Still, a malfunctioning thyroid gland can lead to issues that may mimic heart disease or exacerbate pre-existing heart conditions.

 Many people have hypothyroidism, which means an underactive thyroid. When thyroid levels drop, all the systems in the body tend to slow down, and one may experience specific symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, and dry skin. Recognizing these signs and consulting an expert without any delay for timely detection of hypothyroidism can empower an individual to take control of their health.

Relationship between hypothyroidism and the heart health:

Let’s understand how hypothyroidism may impact our heart health. Hypothyroidism can impact the cardiovascular system in various ways. Inadequate thyroid hormone levels can lead to a decrease in heart rate and reduced elasticity of the arteries, resulting in elevated blood pressure to facilitate blood circulation throughout the body. Low thyroid levels may also contribute to heightened cholesterol levels and narrowing and hardening of the arteries.

Muscle aches, which are associated with both hypothyroidism and statin-related myalgia, could be another symptom. It has been observed that individuals who experience difficulties with statins are more likely to have hypothyroidism. Treating hypothyroidism has been shown to alleviate statin-related myalgia (muscle pain) in some cases. Those with hypothyroidism should go for regular cardiac screening.

What should be done while dealing with thyroid problems:

Understanding that thyroid hormones directly impact the cardiovascular system is crucial for better overall health. So, managing thyroid conditions can significantly benefit our hearts. 

It is vital to closely monitor thyroid hormone levels and work with a healthcare provider to optimize them. One must also regularly have a thyroid test and discuss the results with the doctor.

Regular monitoring can help regulate heart rate and blood pressure, reducing the strain on the heart. 

Focusing on a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress, can greatly support overall heart health while navigating thyroid challenges.

Staying informed about potential cardiovascular risks associated with certain thyroid disorders is essential. Conditions such as hypothyroidism have been linked to a higher risk of heart disease and increased cholesterol levels. 

Those with thyroid issues can better protect their hearts by understanding the risks and taking proactive steps like regular check-ups and cholesterol monitoring. Addressing thyroid function and heart health together can ensure overall well-being despite the challenges posed by thyroid problems.

FAQ on Hypothyroidism Impact on Health

Does hypothyroidism impact our heart health? 

Hypothyroidism can impact the cardiovascular system in various ways. Inadequate thyroid hormone levels can lead to a decrease in heart rate and reduced elasticity of the arteries, resulting in elevated blood pressure to facilitate blood circulation throughout the body.

Does lower thyroid level also impact our heart health? 

Low thyroid levels may also contribute to heightened cholesterol levels and narrowing and hardening of arteries.

What should one do to ensure good heart health in case of thyroid disorder?

It is vital to closely monitor thyroid hormone levels and work with a healthcare provider to optimize them. One must do a regular thyroid test and discuss the reports with the doctor regularly. Regular monitoring can help regulate heart rate and blood pressure, reducing the strain on the heart. 

What kind of lifestyle must one have in case of thyroid disorder?

One must focus on a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress, as this can greatly support overall heart health while navigating thyroid challenges.