Six Alarming Signs of a Heart Attack

Expert's View Heart Health

Heart attacks and cardiac problems are one of the major health issues that millions of people are suffering worldwide. These issues can manifest in multiple ways at any time. 

In some cases, symptoms are apparent, but in many cases, the symptoms do not surface early, and many people easily miss these symptoms. It is crucial to note that these signs can vary among individuals, and some may not experience classic symptoms. 

Additionally, women may exhibit different or more subtle symptoms than men. Here are six signs that may surface before one experience a heart attack. If one suspects a heart problem or experiences any of these signs, do not ignore them. One must seek emergency medical care or call emergency services immediately. 

  1. Shortness of Breath: This is one of the major warning signs, especially if it occurs with minimal exertion or at rest. Breathlessness on exertion can be a subtle sign of an impending cardiac problem. Typically, patients get breathless while walking or climbing; the moment they stop, the breathlessness recedes. Breathlessness in the middle of the night or waking up suddenly may be another manifestation of a cardiac problem. This should not be mistaken for asthma or any such respiratory problem. In case of repeated occurrences, one must consult a cardiologist.

  1. Exertional Chest Discomfort: Exertional chest discomfort, either in the center of the chest or on either side, radiating to the arms, jaws, or back, can be one of the presenting symptoms of an impending cardiac problem. It is important to recognize that these symptoms typically occur during exertion at specified times and are relieved immediately by resting. If this symptom arises at any point, one must be aware that it could indicate a potential cardiac problem and should be investigated.

  1. Irregular Heartbeats: Irregular heartbeats, known as arrhythmias, can signal an underlying issue. One must pay attention to fluttering sensations, palpitations, or a racing heart. One must seek emergency medical assistance if you have a persistently fast or irregular heartbeat or if other symptoms accompany it.

  1. Sweating: Very occasionally, a heart attack may present with just sweating or with abdominal discomfort or loose motions. These symptoms especially happen in diabetics. In case an individual with diabetes experiences any of these unusual symptoms, it is always better to do an ECG and rule out that there is any underlying cardiac problem.

  1. Fatigue: Persistent fatigue, beyond normal tiredness, may also indicate a compromised cardiovascular system. This exhaustion can be physical or mental and is not alleviated by rest. Exceptional fatigue during routine day-to-day activities can be another manifestation of cardiac problems, especially if these are of recent origin and have not been present in the past. One must not ignore the frequent fatigue and see a doctor quickly.

  1. Swelling in the Legs: Swelling in the legs, ankles, or abdomen may be a sign of heart failure. As the heart struggles to pump effectively, fluid can accumulate in these areas, causing swelling. Monitoring blood pressure is essential, as consistently high readings can stress the heart over time, contributing to cardiovascular problems.

One must not ignore these signs, as prompt medical attention can be life-saving. If one experiences or observes these symptoms in others, seek immediate medical advice to assess and address potential heart issues. To ensure good heart health, one must undertake cardiac related screenings regularly. To book a cardiac test, CLICK HERE.