Wadia Hospital makes palliative care available to economically challenged kids

Health Tech News

Mumbai: To ease the pain of ailing children & kin, Wadia hospital starts first such palliative home-care

“Titli” is a programme funded by the Cipla Foundation, which will provide free home care for patients who belong to the economically disadvantaged sections of society.

Mumbai: On Friday, BaiJerbai Wadia Hospital for Children in Parel opened the city’s first-ever palliative home-care programme for kids.

For critical illnesses like cancer, diabetes, HIV, thalassemia, muscular dystrophy, and HIV, palliative care is crucial. It also includes pain treatment for patients. In-hospital palliative care was introduced by the hospital in 2019 and has since treated 1,400 children and families.

According to Wadia CEO Dr Minnie Bodhanwala, its expansion as a home service will benefit the underprivileged who frequently struggle financially and are unable to bring their children to the hospital. The service’s goal is to lessen suffering and enhance the quality of life for kids and their families as a whole.

Last month, the hospital provided care for 100 families in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai as a test run. Patients in the paediatric population living between Colaba and Dahisar or Thane and Trombay will have a doctor, a nurse, and a counsellor visit them in their homes. According to a representative of the pharmaceutical company, the “Titli” home-care programme, which is funded by the Cipla Foundation, will be free for patients from economically disadvantaged groups.