Bengaluru to transform as the first Arogya City in India

Bengaluru to transform as the first Arogya City in India

Mental Health News

The Arogya City campaign recognises and thanks the trailblazing Champions20(C20) pledge makers for their dedication to this worthwhile cause. The campaign’s themes include youth outreach, mental health advancement, elderly health advancement, and NCD prevention and control.

Bengaluru: The Arogya City Summit was launched by Rotary (District 3190), ArogyaWorld, and Bangalore Political Action Committee (BPAC) to slow the spread of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the city. To make Bengaluru India’s first Arogya City, the initiative challenged the city’s corporate, entrepreneurial, NGOs, and educational institutions. The summit’s opening remarks were made by Dr. K Sudhakar, Minister of health, family welfare, and medical education of Karnataka.

Speaking at the summit, Dr. Sudhakar noted that 25% of Bengaluru’s population is diabetic and that non-communicable diseases are spreading at an alarming rate. The causes of this increase are excessive working hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor eating habits. The Arogya City initiative has arrived at the right time, and I do not doubt that the movement will support us in our efforts to combat the issue of NCDs. The Arogya City initiative to make Bengaluru the first Arogya City in India will receive full support from the Government of Karnataka.

The Arogya City campaign recognises and thanks the trailblazing Champions20(C20) pledge makers for their dedication to this worthwhile cause. The campaign’s themes include youth outreach, mental health advancement, elderly health advancement, and NCD prevention and control.

Instigated by the campaign’s hashtag, #ChallengeAccepted, the organisation will assist 500,000 people in tangibly bettering their health. The founder and CEO of Arogya World, Dr. Nalini Saligram, stated that NCDs present a challenge in our city. We commend the C20 group for stepping up and accepting the challenge as the first of our pledge makers. It will take time to improve the health of our population, but we are dedicated to making Bengaluru the first Arogya City in India.

Dr. Devi Shetty, Chairman & Founder of Narayana Health and one of the campaign’s brand ambassadors, shared his experience by saying, “As a cardiac surgeon, I always ask myself if the patient needs an involved medical procedure. Patients can frequently avoid such circumstances by taking care of their health through lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet, enough exercise, and routine doctor visits.

Ashwini Nachappa, the brand ambassador, said, “Lifestyle diseases primarily affect the younger population, which is a cause for serious concern. The Arogya City effort marks the beginning of a broad effort to support Bengaluru residents in leading healthy lives and avoiding illness.

According to a World Economic Forum (WEF) whitepaper from 2021, 65 percent of Bengalureans do not engage in significant physical activity, and 43% are obese. The report also supports that Bengaluru is emerging as the state’s or even the nation’s diabetes capital. According to the report, 22% of city residents had diabetes.

The core tenets of the Arogya City movement are mental health, NCD prevention and control, and technology utilisation for a healthier future.