Autumn Wellness Tips You Cannot Miss!

Autumn Wellness Tips You Cannot Miss!

Healthcare News

With autumn approaching and the temperature dropping, our body requirements change. This means we must bring about certain changes in our diet and lifestyle to accommodate the seasonal change before it affects our health.

As the days get colder and darker, we may experience low moods and fatigue. It is essential to do the right things to keep our health in check. Here are six autumn wellness tips:

  1. A healthy diet with seasonal foods

Healthy eating is a great way to nourish our body as it impacts our mood positively. It is recommended to consume seasonal locally grown foods to provide the body with the necessary nutrition during this seasonal change. During the autumn season, it is advisable to increase the intake of Vitamin A by adding orange and yellow foods such as carrots and pumpkins. This helps protect the nervous system, helps build strong bones, and boosts our immune system. Additionally, eating healthy also means limiting saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.

  1. Vitamin D must be included in the diet.

Vitamin D is vital as it acts as a mood stabilizer. This is the most crucial nutrient as it helps in the absorption of calcium and aids stronger bones. It also facilitates the production of effective hormones. It is pivotal in activating DNA for protein synthesis across all cell types. Therefore, our diet must include good sources of vitamin D, especially during autumn. The primary source of vitamin D is through sunlight. In the absence of sunlight, one may take Vitamin D supplements as per the doctor’s instruction. 

  1. Boost immunity

Any seasonal change will affect our well-being if we have weak immunity. One must build a strong immunity while a season change is approaching. One must drink plenty of water, maintain good gut health, wash hands often to prevent sickness, and eat a nutritious and balanced diet with all the essential nutrients. One may include citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes, as they contain high levels of vitamin C, which helps fight infection by increasing our white blood cells. Incorporating Zinc-rich foods into our diet can be beneficial for numerous immune functions.

  1. Stay active!

Physical activity helps combat low moods by releasing serotonin and endorphins in the brain. Engaging in physical activity triggers the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, which enhance one’s mood. As we transition into autumn, it is essential to continue doing some form of physical activity as this will help maintain overall good health.

  1. Maintain good hygiene

Good hygiene is the first line of defence against common illnesses. Washing our hands regularly with soap and warm water can effectively prevent the spread of germs.

  1. Dress appropriately for the weather.

As temperatures drop, it is important to dress warmly to protect ourselves from the cold. Layering clothing is an effective way to trap body heat and stay warm. One must wear gloves, a scarf, earmuffs, a winter coat, and boots if required.

Further, the common cold is a generic health problem during autumn and winter months. Caused by a host of viruses, common cold may be treated at home by staying hydrated, gargling with salt water, taking honey with warm water, using humidifier to ease severe cough and avoiding cold water or food items like ice cream. Throat infection due to a persisting infection or dry air is yet another common and chronic condition prevalent during these seasons. However, if the infection is severe it is better to consult a doctor.

Seasonal changes are inevitable and so is their impact on our health. But what can be controlled is, impact of seasonal change on our well-being. By taking precautionary measures and preparing well in advance one can ensure good health during the new season.