Dealing with Frequent Acid Reflux: Simplified

Diabetes Healthcare News

Do you feel frequent irritation at the centre of your chest? Do you get a burning sensation in your throat? Is it common while you are hungry?

Well, there is only one answer to all these questions – “It is Acid Reflux or Acidity”

Acid reflux is a digestion-related issue that originates in your stomach. It occurs when the acids or bile flow upwards toward your food pipe (oesophagus). This is also termed Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) medically.

Frequent occurrence of GER may lead to Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD. This is a more severe and chronic condition that requires timely medical intervention.

Acid reflux leads to heartburn and irritation in the food pipe. It can be very discomforting. It can be controlled by making certain lifestyle changes, losing weight, and taking over-the-counter medication if the symptoms are mild. 

However, your acidity may return despite implementing these measures. A more effective and long-term measure to control acid reflux and prevent further development of any digestive tract disease is to adopt dietary measures.

Modifying your diet is the simplest and most effective way to avoid reflux. Eating less acidic and more alkaline food helps reduce the backflow of acid into your oesophagus.

Your diet has a significant impact on the way your stomach acids behave. Choosing the correct foods is, therefore, vital for managing acid reflux. 

Five foods that can help reduce acidity:

1. Milk

You may try having cold milk if you experience heart burn. Cold milk neutralizes acids in your stomach and provides a relief from the heart burn.

2. Banana

Being an excellent source of potassium, this fruit helps to keep acid production in balance. And not only are bananas alkaline, but they’re also rich in pectin, a soluble fibre that helps keeps food moving through the digestive tract.

3. Cucumber

Cucumbers are an alkaline food and thus neutralize the acid in the body by increasing the pH value. Also cucumber is also one of the most calorie-free foods due to its high-water content (about 95%).

4. Sabja Seeds

Sabja seeds work as a natural coolant for the body and can help to bring relief from acidity and heartburn. When soaked in water, their mucilage content increases, and they can help neutralize the excess acids in your stomach.

5. Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are starchy veggies, full of healthy complex carbs and digestible fibre. They do not trigger symptoms like irritation and heartburn. Just do not cook them with excess oil or spices because those can trigger acid reflux. Root vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and beetroots.

In case you experience acid reflux constantly, you must make changes to your diet and add these five foods as this will help you build good digestive health over a long time.