Five habits to avoid for healthy heart

Know the Five S’s to keep away for a Healthy Heart!

Heart Health News

Heart diseases are increasingly becoming the leading cause of death worldwide. Roughly around 17.9 million people lose their lives globally from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). It becomes highly essential to know what should we avoid for having a healthy heart.

There are many types of heart disease, each with its symptoms and treatment. For some individuals, lifestyle changes and medicine can significantly improve their health. For others, surgery may be necessary to avoid complications.

Here are some common heart diseases that are identified as leading causes of mortality and heart attacks.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

It is the most common heart problem. With CAD, one may get blockages in coronary arteries. This can substantially reduce the blood flow to the heart muscle, keeping it from getting the required oxygen. The disease usually starts due to hardening of the arteries. Coronary heart disease may trigger a heart attack.

Heart Arrhythmias

This condition implies an irregular beating pattern of the heart. Serious arrhythmias often develop from other heart problems.

Heart Failure

With heart failure, the heart doesn’t pump sufficient blood per the body’s needs. It is caused by coronary artery disease, but it can also happen due to existing high blood pressure, thyroid disease, heart muscle disease, or certain other conditions.

Heart Valve Disease

Our heart has four valves that open and close to direct blood flow between its four chambers, the lungs, and blood vessels. An abnormality could make it hard for a valve to open and close correctly. When that happens, blood flow may be blocked or cause a blood leak. Our valve may not open and close correctly.

Cardiomyopathy (Heart Muscle Disease)

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle. It causes the heart to become too weak to pump well. Many possible causes of the disease exist, including reactions to certain drugs or toxins (such as alcohol), including genetic heart conditions and infections from viruses. Sometimes, chemotherapy may cause cardiomyopathy. 

Amidst the rising trend of heart diseases among young generations, it is clear that young individuals are prone to develop heart-related disorders or heart disease. While genetics play a role in some cases, lifestyle changes are significant contributors to the increasing incidence of heart attacks in younger populations. 

To combat this silent epidemic, knowing the 5 ‘S’—salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress—is essential to keeping the heart healthy.

  1. SALT: Salt is essential for bodily functions, but moderation is important. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued guidelines on sodium intake, stating that excessive consumption is a leading cause of death and heart diseases worldwide. High salt intake is often linked to elevated blood pressure, which may trigger heart disease or stroke. Monitoring and reducing sodium in our diets is crucial to safeguard cardiovascular health.
  1. SUGAR: The dangers of added sugar go beyond just tooth decay. Excessive sugar consumption is one of the significant risk factors for heart disease, as it may lead to obesity and diabetes, both of which have profound cardiovascular effects. Therefore, one must be mindful of sugar intake and opt for healthier alternatives to keep the heart strong and healthy.
  1. SLEEP: A good night’s sleep is more than just a luxury; it is a cornerstone of heart health. Disrupted or insufficient sleep has been associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Ensuring quality sleep is critical to keeping our hearts in optimal condition.
  1. STRESS: Stress is inevitable, but unmanaged stress can wreak havoc on our cardiovascular system. If not managed in a timely manner, stress may adversely impact our health. The cortisol hormone is released when a person experiences stress. This leads to many health complications, such as obesity, hypertension, and high blood pressure. Stress also increases the build-up of plaque deposits in the arteries, which raises the incidence of stroke. One must, therefore, devise ways to manage stress.
  1. SITTING: Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll on our hearts. Studies indicate that prolonged sitting can disrupt metabolic health, increasing the risk of heart disease. Incorporating regular physical activity into our daily routine is not just a choice but a necessity for maintaining a healthy heart.

Taking timely precautions to reduce health complications is one of the best thing one can do to keep safe and stay away from health conditions like heart diseases. Additionally, consulting a heart specialist in case of complications may help. To consult a cardiologist, CLICK HERE!