7.3 lakh women suffer from anaemia in Maharashtra: Survey

7.3 lakh women suffer from anaemia in Maharashtra: Survey

News Women's Health

The “Mata Surakshit Tar Ghar Surakshit” programme resulted in the state’s first-ever large-scale screening of women over 18. These women would now undergo additional screening to determine the severity of the cases.

Pune: The state health department of Maharashtra found that 7.3 lakh, or 1.8%, of the 4 crore women it screened between September and November of this year were severely anaemic. On an average, it was seen that around 2.2% women across the nation experience anaemia.

The “Mata Surakshit Tar Ghar Surakshit” programme resulted in the state’s first-ever large-scale screening of women over 18. These women would now undergo additional screening to determine the severity of the cases. Anaemia is linked to underdeveloped cognitive and motor skills in kids and reduced work capacity in adults, which impacts the nation’s economy.

In accordance with the survey, which began on September 26 throughout the state, 4,01,86,717 women over 18 had various health indicators checked. Of these, 7,34,679 were reported to suffer from severe anaemia. The normal range of iron for non-pregnant women is less than 8g/dl, whereas for pregnant women it is less than 7g/dl.

Dr. Aniruddha Deshpande, assistant director of the family welfare and planning department, says “According to the average for the country, 2% of people are found to have severe anaemia. Pregnant women are typically tested for anaemia as part of routine exams. We are now screening all women over the age of 18 for all critical health indicators for the first time, which is a significant step toward community health.” He further added, “Anaemia can have a variety of causes, such as worm infection, severe malaria, bleeding into the urine or stools, etc. Additionally, a poor diet can contribute to anemia.”