Tight Blood Sugar Control

“Tight Blood Sugar Control” Boosts Brain Power of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Study

 A recent clinical experiment suggests that teens with type 1 diabetes may have cognitive benefits when their blood sugar levels are better managed. Teenagers were better able to avoid high blood sugar episodes when they began therapy using newer technology, commonly referred to as “artificial pancreas” devices, than teens who continued with conventional diabetes treatment. […]

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Front of pack labelling (FOPL) on packaged foods is supported by over 91% of people.

The majority of customers favored “high-in” warning labels. Such warning labels are regarded as the most straightforward and user-friendly FOPL design. New Delhi: More than 20,000 people participated in an online survey that provided timely consumer choice insights as the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) prepares to unveil the much-anticipated draught rule […]

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