Know foods that boost metabolism

Top Foods to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

Expert's View Healthcare

What we eat greatly impacts our metabolism and overall health. One of the best approaches to boosting metabolism without relying on artificial methods is through foods. Certain foods not only fuel the body but also stimulate calorie-burning processes, support digestion, and maintain muscle mass, all of which boost our metabolic rate.

Our in-house expert, Dt. Aparna Pandey, MSC-Nutrition and Dietetics, shares ways to boost your metabolism by adding foods that can easily be added to diet:

1. Protein High Food

Protein-rich food will help boost your metabolism. Your body requires more energy to digest carbohydrates and fats. Protein offers more calories for an essential thermic effect of food (TEF). This is merely due to TEF being a demand for calories that the body will burn all to break, absorb, and process nutrients coming from protein.

Highest Sources of Protein:

Lean meats like chicken or turkey, Fish like salmon and tuna, Eggs, Legumes like beans and lentils, Tofu and tempeh, Greek yogurt, Cottage cheese

Tip: Add protein to as many meals as possible for the greatest metabolic benefit.

2. Spicy Foods (Capsaicin)

Eating spicy food, especially with a good amount of capsaicin from chilies, is the best method for increasing your metabolism. It increases your body heat and thus makes you burn more calories. Capsaicin has also been known to suppress hunger levels.

Use: Sprinkle fresh chilies, cayenne pepper, or chili powder on your food to boost your metabolism.

3. Green Tea and Oolong Tea

Green tea and oolong tea both boost metabolism because they contain a mixture of caffeine and catechins, antioxidants. Research has shown that these teas increase fat oxidation and boost calorie burning even when at rest.

Suggested Dose: Take 2-3 cups of green or oolong tea a day for maximum benefit.

4. Coffee

Caffeine in coffee can increase your metabolism by stimulating your nervous system. Studies have shown that caffeine leads to a short-term 3–11% boost in your metabolism. Additionally, it tends to enhance the functioning of the body, thus allowing you to burn more calories during exercise.

Usage Instructions: Have it with plain black coffee or barely sugar-added to your coffee for the best metabolic benefits.

5. Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley, are very good sources of dietary fiber. The digestive process is more energy-draining when breaking down the fiber in these foods. This allows for sustained glucose release, stabilizing blood sugar levels and providing endurance for exercises.

Top Picks: Oats, Quinoa, Brown rice, Barley, Buckwheat

Tip: Replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains for more energy, endurance, and efficient metabolism functions.

6. Water-Rich Foods

Hydration is crucial to optimal metabolism. Water-rich foods hydrate you while also helping you digest and burn calories. Many of these calorie-poor, high-water-rich foods are also helpful in appetite management.

Water-Rich Foods:

Cucumbers, Watermelon, Zucchini, Oranges, Celery, Strawberries

Try This: Snack on the rich fruits and vegetables, or add them to salads and smoothies for an added hydration bonus.

7. Berries

Berries are high in fiber and antioxidants, which will keep the metabolism healthy. They are one of the best foods to boost your metabolism. Fiber helps to slow down the rate at which food is digested so you don’t get any untimely spikes of blood sugar levels and you feel fuller for longer periods. Additionally, berries contain fewer calories and sugar than most fruits, making it an excellent option for people who want an increment of metabolism but do not want a calorie-overload situation.

Best Options:

Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

8. Ginger

Ginger is a thermogenic food, increasing the body’s temperature and metabolism. It also aids in supporting the digestive process, which can help decrease systemic inflammation, thus lowering the risk of poor metabolic health.

How to Use: Add fresh ginger to teas, soups, smoothies, or stir-fries for a metabolism-boosting kick.

9. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of good fats, fiber, and protein, which can revive your metabolism. They also contain great omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients to keep you in top metabolic health. However, the calorie density of the foods may trigger overindulgence, so mind your portions.

Best Choices:

Almonds, Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds

Tip: A handful of nuts or a spoonful of seeds can make a healthy addition to your snack or as a garnish for your meal.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent source of regulating blood sugar levels, which may prevent insulin spikes and keep your metabolism stable. It has also been known to increase the rate of body thermogenesis, that is, burning calories.

How to Use: For the best effect, sprinkle it on oatmeal and yogurt, add it to smoothies, or even your baked goods.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been advertised as likely to assist in increasing the metabolism in your body and allowing you to lose pounds more quickly. The attempt to maximize digestion and fat oxidation can be made better by apple cider vinegar by lowering blood sugar levels after a meal.

How to Take: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and take it before meals or add it to your salad.

12. Leafy Greens

Other essential vegetables that need high consumption are leafy greens, which include spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. They are low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, which is necessary for a well-functioning metabolism. Leafy greens also contain antioxidants that help protect cells against damage and support overall health.

Best Choices:

Leafy Greens, Spinach, Kale, Swiss chard, Arugula

How to Use: To increase your intake, add leafy greens to salads or smoothies or sauté them as a side dish.

13. Coconut Oil

Replacing some of the fats you ingest with more of the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil may raise your rate of metabolism. MCTs are absorbed quickly and used for energy, which burns more calories throughout the day.

Use: Cook or bake with coconut oil, but use in moderation because of the caloric density.

14. Eggs

Eggs are a primary source of quality protein and nutrients. They are also good sources of B vitamins, which help the body convert food into energy.

Pro Tip: Add eggs to get an early boost in metabolism in support of muscle mass at the start of the day.

15. Legumes

For instance, beans, lentils, and legumes are high in protein and fiber, which rapidly increase metabolism. The high fiber in legumes supports digestive health, while the protein raises the thermic effect and burns more calories from the consumed food.

Best Options:

Lentils, Chickpeas, Black beans, Kidney beans

Having these foods can help boost your metabolism and prevent your health from diseases. For personalized diet plan consult a nutritionist.