Half of lung cancer patients admitted

Half of lung cancer patients admitted in Medanta since 2012 weren’t smokers.

Cancer News

According to the study’s doctors, 10–20% of lung cancer patients in the past did not smoke. In addition, they claimed that their analysis of 304 patients seen at the hospital’s OPD between March 2012 and November 2022 showed that the risk group for lung cancer had grown to include a relatively younger population in addition to the dominant at-risk demographic of older adults who smoke tobacco (both smokers and non-smokers).

Gurugram: According to an analysis by the doctors at the private hospital, about half of the patients who reported to the outpatient department (OPD) of Medanta — The Medicity over 10 years and were diagnosed with lung cancer weren’t smokers. The analysis also suggested that the disease burden is spreading to younger populations.

According to the study’s doctors, 10–20% of lung cancer patients in the past did not smoke. Additionally, they claimed that their analysis of 304 patients seen at the hospital’s OPD between March 2012 and November 2022 showed that the risk group for lung cancer had grown to include a relatively younger population in addition to the previously dominant at-risk demographic of older adults who smoke.

They discovered that 2.6% of patients with lung cancer were under the age of 20, 10% were under the age of 40, and close to 20% were under the age of 50. The other patients were older than 50.

The study has not undergone peer review. The researchers declared that they would discuss their findings with cancer research facilities and hospitals and keep tracking the clinical results of these patients’ medical care in the future.

In addition to Delhi-NCR, doctors think that air pollution levels across the nation may be to blame for this rise in lung cancer among non-smokers.

“I am horrified by the alarming increase in lung cancer cases and the prevalence of the disease among young people, non-smokers, and women. While smoking is widely believed to be the primary cause of lung cancer, the analysis suggests that air pollution may also play a more significant role in the rising disease incidence. At the Institute of Chest Surgery, Chest Onco-surgery, and Lung Transplantation, the hospital’s chairman, Dr. Arvind Kumar, stated that there is a need to raise awareness and encourage screening for early detection.

Together with Drs. Harsh Puri and, Belal Bin Asaf, Dr. Kumar conducted the analysis.

Dr. Kumar responded, “These cases are from across the country, from rural and urban areas. When asked if the patients studied were only from Delhi-NCR. Pollution is not a problem that only affects one person or one location. Although the north is known for having dangerous air pollution levels, we see an increase in cases everywhere.

The doctor stated that there is an urgent need to raise awareness among general practitioners who may not immediately recognize the symptoms of the disease in that age group as more younger people are being diagnosed with lung cancer.

The study’s initial treatment of TB for about 30% of the patients with lung cancer may have delayed their diagnosis and, therefore, the need for life-saving interventions.

According to the current trend, most lung cancer cases will likely be discovered too late to receive adequate treatment, leading to a high mortality rate. According to Dr. Kumar, a lung cancer epidemic is anticipated in the near future.

The characteristics of the disease also assisted the doctors in distinguishing between smokers and non-smokers.

When the cells lining the exterior of the lungs developed cancer, the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was made in half of the study participants. Non-smokers are more likely to develop this type of cancer.

Squamous carcinoma, which occurs when cancer cells line the surface of the respiratory airways and is an effect of smoking, was previously present in most lung cancer patients.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 20,000 and 40,000 lung cancer patients (or 10% to 20%) are not smokers.

According to researchers, the leading causes of it include genetic mutations, exposure to radon gas, air pollution, and passive smoking.