Four Things to Do on this Father's Day

Four Things to Do on this Father’s Day

Healthcare News

“A father does not tell you that he loves you. He shows you.” —Dimitri the Stoneheart.

Fathers have always been the support system for their children; they are the invincible strength in a child’s life. Father’s Day is a special day to honour your father.

However, just one day is not sufficient to appreciate and love this superhero of your life. This Father’s Day, let your father know; he means the whole world to you; gift him something special that stays with him for a lifetime.

What can the ideal gift for your father be – a greeting card, a shirt, a wallet, or a smartwatch?

This Father’s Day, gift your dad the gift of life!

Let this day serve as a reminder of how important it is to take care of his health all year long. Here are four essential habits you must encourage your father to practice for better health.

1. Be his Action Buddy!

Make some time for physical action together. You could encourage your dad to walk, jog or do yoga with you. Make this a daily ritual for both of you. This way you will be able to spend time with him and motivate him to stay active, which is necessary for your dad as he ages. Your dad might be working endlessly, amidst all the work and travel pressure he needs to work out physically for at least 20-30 minutes. This will help improve his health in below ways:

  • Exercising daily helps burn calories.

  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure or diabetes.

  • It maintains testosterone levels.

  • Improves breathing.

  • Regulates functioning of lungs.

  • Boosts energy.

2. Cook a Healthy meal for him!

Ditch the conventional way of celebrating Father’s Day by cutting a cake or dining in a restaurant. Instead treat him with home cooked nutritious meal. And inspire him to have such home cooked meals often, this will not only help him to maintain a healthy weight but also lower his risk of developing health complications such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Here are some diet tips that you could implement to ensure your father’s good health.

  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet.

  • Ensure his diet contains fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.

  • Salt and sugar intake should be controlled.

  • Avoid canned and processed food.

  • Include nuts and seeds as a snacking option.

3. Plan up a Work-break for him!

Since fathers have long working and travelling patterns, they often get stressed. If the stress is not relieved regularly, it may accumulate and cause mental health issues like anxiety or depression. De-stressing is therefore important for him. This Father’s Day plan series of things that can keep him stress free. Here are some plans you can make:

  • Match up yours and his holidays and plan a vacation to his favourite destination.

  • You could even plan taking him to a music concert or a golf date, anything that he enjoys.

  • Plan a reunion for him with his buddies.

  • Why should Mom’s have all the fun, take him to a spa. Let him rejuvenate too!

Try to keep your dad busy with things that he loves. Ensure your dad takes small de-stress breaks and spend his spare time doing things that help him relax and de-stress.

4. Know how healthy is your Dad!

This Father’s Day gift your dad a comprehensive body check-up. If he does not get an annual check-up done, this is the time to ensure he does so.

A regular body check-up is essential because for men, compared to women, they are more likely to acquire cardiac disease early in life. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and prostate cancer are few health conditions in men that can be treated with early diagnosis. Ensure that you get the below tests and screening done to ensure a better health for your father.

  • Complete Blood Count

  • Lipid (Cholesterol) and blood sugar test

  • Kidney function test and Thyroid Profile

  • Vitamin D3, B12 study

  • Liver Function test

  • Urine routine test

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram)

  • Blood pressure monitoring

  • Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test

  • Cancer screening if he has a family history

In a nutshell

The quality of your father’s health must be your priority, because your father might not have got the time to pause and think about his own health. It is your turn to take the steering and ensure he stays healthy.

While you try to implement above four things it is crucial to let your father know getting enough sleep is vital for his overall health and well-being, as it enhances brain performance, mood, and health.

Adopting to these new healthier behaviour could help your father avoid significant health issues such as obesity and diabetes. A healthy diet and regular physical activity are two new habits that may help him lose weight and gain energy. If he sticks with these improvements for a while, they may become a part of his routine and reform the quality of his health.

So, let us have a Healthy & Happy Father’s Day!