Fatty liver happens when fat builds up in the organ causing inflammation that leads to severe health complications. According to doctors, fatty liver is a result of many lifestyle and diet-related issues, and it can also be reversed with the help of certain changes in the same.
Fatty liver also referred to as hepatic steatosis, occurs when fat builds up in our liver. Even though it is normal to have small amounts of fat in our liver too much can lead to many issues, including liver failure which is a life-threatening condition.
So, one must know and understand a few signs that your body initially shows if your liver is having problems. Doctors say a few of these symptoms begin to show in your skin and can be treated.
Signs of fatty liver on skin
According to doctors, signs of fatty liver may appear on face and skin, like puffiness, change in color, and itching, could suggest fatty liver disease which is one of the most common chronic liver diseases. While it may be common, the symptoms of this condition are often subtle. Over time, one may notice changes in their face that aren’t due to another known cause. A few signs of fatty liver on face may include:
Darker skin: Fatty liver disease also contributes to increased insulin resistance, which means your body cannot use insulin effectively. This results in the buildup of excess insulin in your body that causes a condition called acanthosis nigricans. This condition also leads to skin folds like as on the crease of your neck, to darken.
Puffiness: Doctors say if you have a fatty liver issue, it can affect the organ’s ability to make proteins, which impairs our blood flow and fluid removal. As a result, you may notice your face appears slightly puffier.
Itching: Liver disease also causes skin itching, including on your face which happens due to excessive bile salts in your body. It can lead you to scratch the skin surface, which the doctors say usually does not provide any relief and can also make the irritation worse.
Rosacea: It is a skin condition that makes it appear red and full of bumps. Doctors suggest one may notice small white bumps on our face when an individual has rosacea. However, it does not mean if you suffer from rosacea, you have fatty liver disease, but the condition can just be a sign of it.
Rashes: Fatty liver disease does not let your body absorb certain nutrients effectively, leading to deficiency. According to studies, zinc deficiency due to the condition causes rashes and dermatitis. It also leads to skin irritation around your mouth with small fluid-filled or solid-appearing bumps.
Jaundice: Advanced liver disease also causes jaundice – a medical condition that makes our skin and the whites of our eyes appear yellow. Symptoms of jaundice, which occurs when there is an excess of bilirubin, appear in your eyes and face before spreading to the rest of your body.
Redness: The condition also causes redness of the skin in patches.
Ways to prevent liver disease
Doctors suggests a few ways one can prevent liver issues include:
Wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them
Limit alcohol consumption
Choose unsaturated fats like fish and nuts
Eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
Maintain a moderate weight and manage chronic health conditions like diabetes
Fatty Liver may impact our overall wellbeing therefore, we must ensure that it is treated timely since it can be reversed with certain lifestyle modifications. To consult a specialist – CLICK HERE.
FAQ ON Fatty Liver
How do I know my Liver is OK?
You can check if your liver is healthy by getting a physical exam and having blood and imaging tests.
What are warning signs of damaged Liver?
Warning signs of damaged Liver may include:
Fluid Retention
Vomiting & Nausea
Dark Urine
Loss of Appetite
Abdominal Swelling
Unexplained weight loss
What is the first stage of Fatty Liver?
The first stage of fatty liver is known as grade 1 fatty liver or simple fatty liver. It’s the least severe stage of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.