Five Diet Habits that Increase Diabetes Risk

Five Diet Habits that Increase Diabetes Risk

Diabetes develops gradually due to poor lifestyle and dietary habits. Certain diet habits can elevate your risk of developing Diabetes if not stopped immediately. Diabetes is increasingly becoming a global health concern. India, too, is experiencing a steep increase in diabetes cases, especially in youth, compared to the rest of the population.  Type 2 diabetes […]

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Six Diabetic friendly drinks to try!

After getting diagnosed with diabetes, having freshly blended cool fruit juice becomes difficult. Rather, having a chilled glass of fruit juice no longer remains a choice for someone with diabetes. Here is a healthy solution to it. Why not have drinks that help regulate blood sugar levels and provide you the cooling effect of a […]

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Kidney Transplant Surgery

Uncontrolled BP and diabetes are the leading causes of kidney failure: Doctors

While the majority of cases of kidney disease are caused by uncontrolled blood pressure, blood sugar, or both, other causes include addictions to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and long-term painkiller use, said Dr. Manish Mandal, IGIMS Director. Patna: Although several hospitals have the resources to treat urologic conditions involving the kidneys, the state capital still has few […]

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