Pandemic may have affected children's behavior

Experts: Pandemic may have affected children’s behavior in more than one way

Kolkata: According to developmental paediatricians who attended a two-day meeting in the city over the weekend, there has been a significant increase in the number of kids with developmental and behavioural disorders across cities, including Kolkata, during Covid, which has led to a rush for treatment over the last eight months. They noted that due […]

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Tight Blood Sugar Control

“Tight Blood Sugar Control” Boosts Brain Power of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Study

 A recent clinical experiment suggests that teens with type 1 diabetes may have cognitive benefits when their blood sugar levels are better managed. Teenagers were better able to avoid high blood sugar episodes when they began therapy using newer technology, commonly referred to as “artificial pancreas” devices, than teens who continued with conventional diabetes treatment. […]

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Essential diabetes drugs' prices

Essential diabetes drugs’ prices are constrained by a pricing authority

Two essential anti-diabetic medications—Sitagliptin-Metformin combination and Linagliptin-Metformin combination—have been placed under price control by India’s drug pricing authority. The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has set retail prices for 45 drug formulations, including the two anti-diabetic medications (NPPA). Since Merck Sharp and Dohme’s (MSD) Sitagliptin patent expired last month, several generic versions of the drug have […]

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Dietary changes can lead to diabetes remission and prevention

Dietary changes can lead to diabetes remission and prevention, according to a study

In New Delhi: Over 80 million Indians are estimated to have pre-diabetes, and there are 74 million people in the country who are estimated to have diabetes. A recent national study, the ICMR-INDIAN research, which employed a linear regression model and quadratic programming, demonstrated that diabetes remission (reversal) could be attained if the carbohydrate content […]

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