Six foods for effective fat loss

Foods for Effective Fat Loss One Must Know

Expert's View Healthcare

Weight gain and increase in inch is a gradual process. So is the fat and weight loss. With so many diets trending around, one must look at sustainable way for loosing those extra kilos. The secret lies not just in reducing calories but in the selection of foods that will keep you full, energized, and satisfied.

Our in-house expert, Dt. Aparna Pandey, MSC-Nutrition and Dietetics, shares a list of six food types that are helpful in fat loss.

Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, Swiss chard-all these leafy vegetables should be the cornerstone of your weight loss diet. While being nutritionally rich, they are super low in calories and can hence be used to load up your plate without adding extra calories. Because of the fiber content, digestion is really slow, which keeps you feeling full longer.

Tip: Add a handful of spinach to your morning smoothie or swap tortillas for lettuce wraps at lunch.

Whole Grains: Not all carbohydrates are alike! Whole grains, like rolled oats, quinoa, and barley, provide more fiber and complex carbohydrates to give you that long-lasting energy. They also prevent blood sugar spikes, which helps curtail those mid-afternoon snacking urges.

Tip: Oatmeal is a great way to start anyone’s day, or you can use quinoa as a base in salads and bowls.

Lean Proteins: One of the most major players regarding weight loss is protein because your metabolism sees quite a significant jump with it, hence reducing appetite in that process. Lean protein sources like chicken, and fish greatly aid in muscle building and keeping you full.

Tip: Grilled chicken breast or baked salmon is tasty and very filling, yet low in calories.

Legumes: Plant-based protein like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are excellent sources of fiber. These food types help control our blood sugar so that we feel full and satisfied longer, thus making it easier to refrain from overeating.

Tip: Make a lentil soup or add some chickpeas to your salads to increase the level of fiber consumption.

Healthy Fats: While these healthy fats are high-calorie dietary choices from the likes of avocado, olive oil, nuts, etc., they are essential to your general health and also help you stay satisfied for longer. The inclusion of a good amount of healthy fat in your diet will keep unhealthy cravings at bay and help with weight control and fat loss.

Tip: Sprinkle one teaspoon of olive oil over your salad or snack on a small handful of almonds.

Berries: If your sweet tooth has been bothering you and you want to reduce intake of sugar, berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries should be used more often. They are naturally low in calories, rich in antioxidants, and high in fiber content. Boost Berries will fix those sugar cravings while helping with digestion and controlling the levels of blood sugar.

Tip: Mix berries into your breakfast yogurt or eat them for a snack with a few nuts.

Green Tea: Green tea boosts the metabolism and the ability to burn fat. It also contains antioxidants to help your body with the fat-breakdown process. Drinking green tea throughout the day can be one of the best things you can implement into your fat loss program.

Tip: Have a cup of green tea in the afternoon for a metabolism boost.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight does not have to mean starving from hunger. By incorporating these nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods into your dishes, you can weigh less without the ache of fasting but still feel satisfied. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint; it only really works when changes are able to be maintained over a long period of time. For a customized diet, CLICK HERE.