Weight loss Strategy

Weight Loss: Six Facts to Know!

Expert's View Nutrition

Many of us feel the need to lose some extra kilos. Obesity has become an increasing healthcare hazard in our society. People usually do everything under the sun to shed extra weight, but weight loss seems complicated.

Our in-house expert, Dt. Aparna Pandey, MSC-Nutrition and Dietetics, shares six vital facts about weight loss.

Why should we maintain a healthy weight?

Being overweight or obese is highly disadvantageous for our overall well-being. Following are a few reasons why we should focus on losing extra weight.

  • Health complications like stroke

  • Increasing risk of developing cancer

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • High Blood Pressure

  • High Cholesterol

  • Atherosclerosis (where fatty deposits narrow our arteries)

According to experts, weight loss is not a robotic science but a simple process in which one needs to remember and implement a few crucial things. Here is a list of six facts one must know.

1. Caloric Deficiency is the Key

At the core of this principle of losing extra pounds is a caloric deficiency—a situation in which one consumes fewer calories than the body demands to maintain its current weight. When there is a deficiency in calories, the body gets its energy from stored fats, thus causing a loss in weight. This can be achieved by observing diet restrictions, exercising, or combining both methods.

2. Not all calories are equal

While there must be a caloric deficit, the quality of the calories is essential. Nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, supply the body with additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Empty calories from foods like sugary snacks contribute to poor nutrition and will not help you lose weight.

3. Protein Essential

Proteins are essential in losing weight. They keep more muscle while the body loses fat, keeping your metabolism healthy. Again, protein has more thermogenic effects than fats and carbohydrates; that is, the body uses more calories through digestion. Therefore, incorporate sources like chicken, fish, beans, and tofu into your diet to accelerate weight loss.

4. Hydration Affects Weight Loss

This tip is often overlooked but is very important for effective weight loss. Water regulates your metabolism, allows you to feel full, and even can help reduce feelings of hunger. Sometimes, your body misinterprets thirst for hunger, thus leading you to eat what would be considered an unnecessary snack. Consuming the amount of water you need throughout the day will enable your body’s physiological processes and help you maximize your weight loss effort.

5. Exercise Can Improve Weight Loss

While diet accounts for a massive fraction of weight loss, exercise can speed up the process. It is beneficial in burning calories, building muscle, and increasing metabolism. Activities like cardiovascular exercise, for instance, running and biking, and strength training with weight lifting and bodyweight workouts can help.

6. Sustainable Changes Are Crucial

Fad diets and quick fixes can be helpful in the short term but are often unsustainable and complicated with weight regain. The best weight loss approaches result in making lifestyle changes for the long haul. Focus on enjoying a balanced diet and keeping consistency in your exercise routine. Weight loss will last and will result in enhanced health in general.

Benefits of Weight Loss

Here are a few health advantages of shedding extra kilos:

  • Better sleep
  • Decreased risk of stroke
  • Better immune system
  • Management of Hypertension
  • Enhance heart health
  • Higher libido
  • Reduced cancer risk
  • Improved mood
  • More energy

The Bottom Line

Weight reduction is a complicated process that entails much more than cutting down on calories. It’s about making informed choices that promote overall health and well-being. Understanding these salient facts will put you in the right place to devise a weight-reduction plan that you can sustain and execute practically. Remember, consistency and patience are key. Happy weight loss journey! For efficient weight loss, consult a professional nutritionist.