Dose Magnesium level impact our mood?

Impact of Magnesium on our Mental Wellbeing

Expert's View Healthcare

Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for our body. It plays a crucial role in completing several bodily functions. 

Magnesium is an extremely important nutrient, required in more than 300 biochemical reactions in our body, such as building proteins, strengthening the bones, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar, and muscle and nerve functions. More than half of the magnesium in our body is stored in our bones, and the remaining is in various tissues throughout the body. From leafy greens to nuts, it is naturally available in various foods. 

Understanding the importance of magnesium:

  • Magnesium is known for improving blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity

  • Magnesium also helps promote heart health by controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels

  • Magnesium may help boost exercise performance

  • Magnesium supplements may help manage depression symptoms

  • Magnesium also contains anti-inflammatory properties

  • Enhances mental wellbeing

  • It also acts as an electrical conductor that contracts muscles and makes the heart beat steadily

Can magnesium regulate mood?

Taking magnesium supplements and having sufficient levels of magnesium may help improve symptoms of depression. 

When our neurological pathways do not function correctly, it leads to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. One must increase the magnesium intake through food and supplements, as this helps improve sleep quality and helps deal with certain sleep issues. Magnesium intake can also help reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress, it also boosts our mood.

This nutrient is also involved in healthy brain development. It plays a role in relaying signals between our brain and body.

Food sources of magnesium

Some of the best sources of magnesium include pumpkin seeds, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, cashews, salmon, legumes, chia seeds, millet, banana, raisins, apricots, milk, avocado, and more.

When may we need magnesium supplements?

Magnesium is found in many foods, which can help maintain healthy magnesium levels in the body. However, suppose one experiences deficiency symptoms such as poor mental health, bone-related issues, fatigue, muscle weakness, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat. In that case, it is crucial to get magnesium levels checked. Doctors may prescribe supplements depending on the reports.

In a nutshell, one must have sufficient levels of magnesium to ensure overall health. A balanced, healthy diet is the best way to ensure proper nutrient intake. One must consult a nutritionist to have a custom-made diet as per one’s requirement so that all nutritional requirements are addressed. Further, one must not take any supplement without a doctor’s consultation.