Know ways to take care of Pancreas

Simple Ways to Take Care of the Pancreas!

Expert's View Healthcare

Pancreas is an important digestive organ. It plays an important function in the body by making enzymes that help digest food and the hormones insulin and glucagon, which aid in controlling blood glucose levels.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that occurs when digestive juices or enzymes attack it. Excessive alcohol intake, gallbladder stones, cholesterol, and cigarette smoking can raise the risk of the disease.

Severe belly pain, nausea, vomiting, lowered blood pressure, and fluid build-up in the belly are some of the symptoms of pancreatitis. In case of such symptoms, one must consult a doctor urgently.

The pancreas is a crucial digestive organ that is, for the most part, an organ of least awareness among the common people. Any inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a common condition. It can be a milder form that only needs a few medications and lifestyle changes and can be treated on an outpatient basis. However, there is a severe form that can be lethal and sometimes life-threatening, too.

Here are simple ways to reduce risk of pancreatitis.

  1. Controlling cholesterol

An increase in cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood is a significant risk factor for the development of pancreatitis. There are many reasons for this, which are very well known to the population. Getting treated for high cholesterol levels, controlling the cholesterol levels in the blood, and preventing hypercholesterolemia by maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help in avoiding pancreatitis.

  1. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol intake in any form, frequency and quantity affects the pancreas significantly. Alcohol is the most common cause off pancreatitis, both acute and severe. Cessation of alcohol intake will keep the pancreas, safe and healthy.

  1. Screening

Some inherent disorders of the pancreas can cause pancreatitis, despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There can be genetic disorders which run in families and can cause pancreatitis. There are few anatomical abnormalities in the pancreas. Viz, pancreas division, annular pancreas and a few others present in an individual since birth. Such defects can lead to pancreatitis at any age in an individual. A proper screening by an experienced medical professional is essential whenever a person is at risk of having such inherent disorders of the pancreas.

  1. Gallbladder stones

Stones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis) is another most common cause of pancreatitis. The gallbladder stones occasionally slip into the bile duct and block the pancreatic duct, causing pancreatitis. Gallbladder stones are relatively common. Many will not have any symptoms and are usually picked up as an incident finding on ultrasonography of the abdomen. It is suggested to undergo surgery and removal of the gallbladder and the stones whenever they are detected either incidentally or symptomatic. Doing this will prevent pancreatitis.

Other causes

There are a few other less common causes of pancreatitis. Pancreatic cancer, abdominal injury, drugs, high levels of parathyroid hormone, high calcium levels, and cystic fibrosis are a few other conditions that can cause pancreatitis, but their incidence is very low. Suppose an individual suffers from pancreatitis and a cause has not been found. Such rare possibilities must be evaluated at a centre with rich experience in treating pancreatic disorders.

Damage to the pancreas cannot be undone. Therefore, it is crucial for us to adopt a lifestyle that helps maintain good pancreatic health.