Know how to prevent diabetic kidney disease

Prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease

Expert's View Kidney Health

Diabetic kidney disease, also termed diabetic nephropathy. It is a severe complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys and is labelled as a “silent killer.”

The primary cause of this health condition is consistently high blood sugar levels over time, which can adversely affect the small blood vessels in the kidneys. This damage leads to decreased kidney function and scarring of the kidney tissue.

Symptoms of diabetic kidney disease

  • One of the early symptoms of diabetic kidney disease is proteinuria, which is the presence of protein in the urine.

  • Other common symptoms include swelling in the legs or face, fatigue, and decreased appetite.

  • As the disease progresses, individuals may experience high blood pressure and anemia due to reduced kidney function.

Facts about the Penetration of Diabetic Kidney Disease

The current penetration of chronic kidney disease in the diabetic population is as high as 30-40%, called diabetic kidney disease. This is why it is essential to prevent diabetic kidney disease.

Preventing diabetic kidney disease is crucial as it is a potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes. Once the kidneys become damaged, their ability to filter blood appropriately is compromised, accumulating waste and fluid in the body. This can result in high blood pressure, fluid retention, and even kidney failure.

Treating Diabetic Kidney Disease

Treating diabetic kidney disease can be challenging and often requires intensive interventions such as dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Focusing on prevention through proper management of blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol can significantly lower their risk of developing this condition.

Taking proactive steps to prevent diabetic kidney disease not only helps preserve kidney function but also improves the quality of life for those living with diabetes.

Treatment for diabetic kidney disease typically involves a multi-faceted approach that focuses on controlling blood sugar levels, managing blood pressure, and reducing the progression of kidney damage.

For ones with more advanced stages of diabetic kidney disease, treatments may include dialysis or even kidney transplantation. These interventions can help to support kidney function.

Those with diabetes must work closely with their doctors to develop a holistic treatment plan tailored to their needs and health goals.

Some preventive measures for diabetic kidney disease may include:

  • Limit intake of sugary beverages, processed foods, and high-sodium meals as they can worsen kidney function and lead to weight gain.

  • Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly is vital in managing diabetic kidney disease. Consistent monitoring can help you identify any drops or spikes in blood sugar levels and take necessary steps to keep them within the target range.

  • Pay close attention to your diet and opt for nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and pulses.

  • Consulting a dietitian can help create a personalized meal plan that suits your dietary needs and promotes kidney health.

  • Aim to keep your HbA1c levels below 7% to reduce the chances of developing kidney damage and complications associated with diabetes.

  • Staying physically active is key to managing both diabetes and kidney disease. Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and effectively control blood sugar levels.

Bringing about small changes in daily routine may help a person with diabetes reduce the risk of kidney disease. One must incorporate exercises like walking, working out in gym, swimming, or cycling into our routine for at least 30 minutes a day to enhance overall well-being and decrease the progression of diabetic kidney disease. And continue to monitor blood sugar levels.