Diabetes and Kidney

Kidney Health & Care for Diabetics

Diabetes News

India is the diabetes capital of the world, with 17% of the global population suffering from diabetes. Alarming right?

Almost 80 million people in India are diabetic, and this number is expected to rise to 135 million by 2045. Affecting daily lifestyle, diabetes also invites other lifestyle diseases as high sugar levels affect and interfere with the work of the kidney. This can also negatively impact kidney health and other neighbouring organs.

The diabetes and kidney health Link

High blood sugar, termed as HbA1c levels, above 7% over time can damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys. This results in a reduction in the ability of the kidneys to filter waste from the blood and maintain fluid balance. This slow damage, if not checked and prevented, can lead to diabetic nephropathy.

Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease. Diabetes with high blood sugar levels affects the kidney’s waste filtration capacity. When sugar levels go up, they confuse the kidneys for waste absorption. The kidney will start flushing out the nutrients that need to be absorbed by the blood.

To check if your body’s absorption rate is good, a urine examination is advised, as it will help as an early indicator of kidney damage.

As per some recent studies, diabetic nephropathy is a common complication. It’s observed that nearly 30% of diabetics eventually develop some form of kidney disease. Without timely screening, minor kidney damage can turn big, requiring dialysis or a transplant of the kidney.

Warning Signs to be Aware of – for Diabetics!

Recognizing early signs of kidney issues in diabetics is important to prevent the ability loss of organs. The body may show below symptoms:

  • Swelling in the feet or ankles

  • Fatigue

  • Change in urination frequency and color

  • High blood pressure

Since kidney damage progresses silently, regular screening and monitoring of waste levels in blood is essential for early detection and treatment. Also, consider tracking sugar on a regular basis to help your doctor for proper medical checkups or treatment.

Tips for diabetics to take care of Kidney

  1. High blood pressure stresses the kidneys. So, keep your blood pressure within the recommended limits by following a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Timely visiting the doctor and checking with them on your progress. Also, do share if you face any unnatural symptom with your health expert.

  3. Consume plenty of water and stay hydrated as it helps to flush out toxins from the body. Also avoid alcohol and smoking.

  4. Maintain blood sugar levels and follow the routine prescribed to you. Adding exercise to your daily life will also help improve the overall working of your body.

  5. Food rich in potassium and phosphorus improves nutrient absorption in blood and the functioning of the kidney.

  6. Avoid having processed and packaged foods and go for a low-protein diet to ease the kidney’s workload.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular medical checkups, blood pressure and managing blood sugar reduces the risk of kidney complications. You can protect your renal health and lead a healthier life with the right steps and awareness.