Five Strategies to deal Employee Disengagement

Five Strategies to deal Employee Disengagement

Employee Wellbeing News

A workplace with less passionate employees can be a difficult situation for a business to grow and flourish. Employee Disengagement must be identified and addressed timely.

Table of Content:

  • Signs of Employee disengagement

  • What causes employee disengagement?

  • Impact of employee disengagement on Business

  • Strategies to engage employees

Employee disengagement at the workplace

When an employee appears disinterested in their work and interacts less with peers, it is a significant sign of employee disengagement. A disengaged employee may show slow performance, lack of interest, minimal output, and frequent absenteeism. Such employees can spoil the vibes of a healthy workplace. Their negative attitude toward work can demotivate their team and have a ripple effect on others.

What causes employee disengagement?

Five significant factors may cause employee disengagement in the workplace. You should be aware of these factors if you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an HR personnel.

  1. Unsatisfactory Remuneration: There are high chances of disorientation when employees do not find their remuneration fair. Employees unsatisfied with their pay or appraisal may be less enthusiastic at work.

  1. Poor Management: One of the significant factors for employee disengagement is ineffective management and poor leadership. When leaders or managers fail to motivate their employees, it may discourage the employee, and they may lose sense of belonging to their workplace.

  1. Constant Stressful Deadlines: Constant and unnecessary pressure may impact the instincts and talent of the employee. Undue pressures impacts the performance of the employee and increases their stress levels. This may adversely affect an employee’s mental health too.

  1. Little Appreciation: Often, there are highly motivated employees in the team who may win appreciation all the time. Their performance may side-line the efforts of other employees who may work dedicatedly but may miss on self-marketing. This approach by management of not noticing such employees may cause employee disengagement.

  1. Lack of Suitable Projects: Sometimes, there are sudden changes in the job role. If the project does not suit the employee’s skill set, they may not perform and seem to be disoriented toward their work. 

Impact of employee disengagement on Business

Popular studies in human resources* have brought forth valuable insight into employee engagement and organizational growth. As per the study, both are directly proportional to one another.

Companies with good employee engagement have higher customer engagement, better productivity, lower attrition, and good profitability.

Strategies to engage employees

  1. Establish trust: Employees often feel detached because of how they are treated in the team. Constant trust issues may hamper their engagement levels. You must trust your employee. This can enhance positivity and accountability at work.

  1. Freehand and decision-making: Providing a free space for taking informed and sound calls on the job is as vital as trusting your employee. Giving them space to implement trivial things on their own makes them more accountable and responsible for their actions. Hence increasing employee engagement.

  1. Create a professional growth plan: Employees tend to lose interest when the job assigned gets mundane. A leader or a manager should identify this and give a different project or infuse elements into the existing position to win back employee’s interest. Building a growth plan in consensus with the employee’s interests can boost their morale.

  1. Connect frequently with detached employees: It is vital that as a leader or manager, you must frequently connect with the employee that is not oriented to the team goals. This may help reinstate the confidence and interest of that employee. Communicating and making them feel an integral part of the team can help the employee to perform well.

  1. Reward Improvements: Ensure to recognize and applaud the improvement shown by a detached employee. It is essential and can bring a big difference in the employee’s attitude towards their work, team, and organization. 

In a nutshell, employee wellbeing and organizational growth go hand in hand. Employee’s active engagement can improvise the team’s performance. Therefore, it is crucial to identify disengaged employees immediately and help them regain their orientation toward their work, team, and organization.

Data Source: Inspiring Disengaged Employees & Managing Detachment | Wrike