Yoga is generally perceived as the ancient form of physical exercise that includes breathing and stretching. But yoga is much more than that. A branch of yoga that is called Yog Tatva Mudra Vigyan (Yoga Mudra) focuses on improving energies and curing minor ailments.
What is Mudra in Yoga?
Yoga mudra is basically gestures made by using hands; they are used to guide the energy flow within the body by using your hands through acupuncture meridians.
Hands are the body’s control panel as they contain all the acupuncture meridians. The five fingers represent the five elements – fire, water, air, sky, and earth. Each of your finger represents these elements.
Air (Vayu)- Index Finger
Fire (Agni)- Thumb Finger
Water (Jal)- Little Finger
Earth (Prithvi)- Ring Finger
Space (Akash)- Middle Finger
These energies need to be in harmony for the body to function at its optimal health.
In yoga, different areas of the hands relate to different areas of the body and the brain. When you move your fingers and hands in a specific way, you are altering the flow of energy, stimulating specific areas of your brain to help bring complete balance to your entire body and wellbeing.
When a specific mudra is done for a specific purpose for over 45 days (for about 20-30 minutes a day), it can help restore the balance of the five elements of the body.
Why should you do Mudras?
Stimulates the flow of energy in your body
Improves your focus and attention span
It is easy to perform and can be done without making many adjustments
Yoga mudras enhance your physical and emotional wellbeing
On International Yoga Day, we bring to you six yoga mudras to improve your energy and focus.

Chin means “consciousness” in Sanskrit. The index finger represents the individual consciousness, while the thumb represents universal consciousness. When the two join, the limited self is connected with the universal self, and you begin to transcend from ignorance to wisdom. This mudra calms your mind, improves your concentration, sharpens your memory, and brightens your overall mood.
Touch your index finger and thumb gently together.
Keep your remaining three fingers lightly extended.
Rest the backs of your palms on your knees or thighs when in meditation.
This is one of the most effective mudras for physical and mental wellbeing. This mudra enhances digestion and improves the flow of energy in the body.
Form a ring with the thumb and forefinger, then curl the other three fingers into the palms of the hands.
Now, with your palms facing upwards, lay your hands on your knees and take deep, relaxed breaths.
Relax your hands and arms while observing the flow of your breaths.
Padma means “lotus” in Sanskrit. Lotus flowers represent purity and perseverance as they grow above dark, muddy waters. This mudra represents the self-floating above fear and stress. You may do this mudra to calm your mind and help you rise above the negative energy around you.
Bring both your hands together.
Keep your thumbs, small fingers, and heels of your palms touching, and spread the remaining fingers wide like a lotus flower blossoming.
Prana means “life force” in Sanskrit, and this mudra can help activate the dormant energy residing inside your body, making you feel energized and strong. Practice this mudra whenever you feel tired, low in energy, or drained.
Touch your ring finger and small finger to the tip of your thumb.
Straighten your index and middle fingers.
Ganesha Mudra is named after the Hindu god Lord Ganesha, who is said to be the remover of all obstacles. This mudra can help relieve all types of obstructions in your thought process and give you positivity and courage when dealing with challenging times.
Bring your hands together with palms touching each other.
Keeping your palms together, turn your hands in opposite directions so your fingers now point to the opposite elbows, with your right palm facing your heart.
Bend your fingers and slide your hands away until your fingers lock.
During meditation, inhale, hold this gesture, and exhale; gently pull your fingers away from each other without unlocking your fingers.
Repeat the same number of breaths with the palms turned the other way.
This is for balancing your body’s air element, as the name implies. This mudra aids in the expulsion of excess air from the body, which relieves chest pain caused by trapped gas.
Fold your index finger in half. With the base of your thumb, press the second phalanx bone of your index finger.
Straighten each hand’s remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart.
With the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.
Mudras can be described as emotional, psychic, devotional, and aesthetic gestures or attitudes that help in healing the mind and body when combined with yoga asanas or simple meditation techniques.
These subtle physical movements can positively impact your mood, attitude, and perception. Mudras can bring about the ultimate rejuvenation of the entire body.