How should men ensure good health?

Men’s Health Tip you cannot Miss!

With November being the month dedicated to men, focusing on things crucial for maintaining good health in Men is essential.  Generally, men are caught up in the daily grind of work-travel-home and repeat. Amidst this daily routine, they must prioritize their health, which is crucial for a brighter tomorrow.  Taking charge of our health is […]

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Tips to manage COPD in Winters

Tips to manage COPD in winters

November 15th is observed as World COPD Day. This day is dedicated to raising worldwide awareness about COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). COPD is a chronic condition and may worsen during winter without preventive measures. What is COPD? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe seamlessly. […]

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Air Pollution Impact on our Well-Being

Air Pollution Impact on our Well-Being

During the last few weeks, major cities nationwide have witnessed increased air pollution and poor air quality. And the air quality is expected to deteriorate further in months to come. With pollution set to increase in the coming months, extra precaution is required to protect ourselves from air pollution impact.  Impact of Air pollution on […]

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