Eye health in Diabetes

How to take care of Eyes in Diabetes?

Diabetes Expert's View

People with diabetes are at high risk of developing cataracts. High blood sugar levels in diabetics often lead to changes in the lens, increasing the chance of cataracts and often at a younger age.

Additionally, untreated high blood sugar can cause various health complications, such as neuropathy, nephropathy, peripheral arterial disease, cardiovascular issues, and retinopathy, while also increasing the risk of cataracts.

India is currently known as the Diabetes capital of the world, as per a latest study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) where the country now has over 101 million diabetics and a further 136 million pre-diabetic individuals.

Therefore, managing blood sugar levels and practicing an active lifestyle is crucial.

To understand the relation between eye health and diabetes, it is important to understand how elevated blood sugar impacts the body. If left unchecked, high blood sugar slowly damages our blood vessels throughout the body, including the tiny blood vessels of the retina in our eyes. When diabetes affects these tiny blood vessels, there is an increased risk of cataracts and other eye conditions.

Here are some tips to Safeguard eyes and reduce the risk of cataracts and other complications arising due to diabetes:

  1. Eat for your eyes: Maintain a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet with fruits, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. To preserve optimal eye function, one must ensure a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidants, and minerals like zinc.

  2. Shade your eyes: One must wear sunglasses while venturing out to protect eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays. This helps in reducing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

  1. Keep an eye on health metrics: One must control and monitor the blood sugar levels, lipid profiles, and hypertension through medication, lifestyle modifications, and regular check-ups, including our eyes. The better control we have on our blood sugar levels, the lower our risk of developing cataracts will be.

  1. Quit Smoking & Alcohol: One must quit smoking and avoid alcohol consumption, as both can damage our eyes and increase the risk of cataracts and other complications like macular degeneration.

  1. Stay active, stay healthy: Regular exercise helps keep blood sugar levels under control and improves overall health. Incorporate eye exercises into your routine to alleviate eye strain.

  1. Consult a specialist: Regular eye check-ups are crucial for identifying potential issues early and allowing for timely intervention. If you experience symptoms of cataracts, such as blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, double vision, sensitivity to light, or faded colours, consult an ophthalmologist.

Since diabetes can impact eye health, it is important to manage high sugar levels actively and care for eye health.

FAQ on Eye Care & Diabetes

How do people with diabetes take care of their eyes?

To prevent the eye from the impact of diabetes, one must have a good diet, control blood sugar levels, and take relevant medicines under doctor’s guidance.

What foods are good for diabetic eyes?

Fish, egg, carrots, leafy greens, citrus fruits and milk are good for eye health.

How can I improve my eyesight from diabetes?

  1. One must control blood sugar

  2. Manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels

  3. Stop smoking and alcohol

  4. Avoid harmful rays