Tips to Stop Overthinking

Stop Overthinking with Seven Habits

Mental Health News

At times, we tend to overthink small things and get trapped in a vicious circle of negative thoughts, where one thought leads to another and then to multiple thoughts. These thoughts can be a never-ending cycle that impacts our mental health.

With the present time lifestyle full of stress and anxiety, overthinking has become an integral part of our lives. This may affect our mental health, reducing our productivity and well-being.

Since overthinking is dangerous for our mental health, we should try to avoid it. It may seem difficult initially, but it is not that hard. With conscious efforts, one can overcome the circle of negative thoughts.

Seven daily habits to stop overthinking

  1. Acknowledging thoughts: It is recommended that one observe the patterns of thoughts and the triggers that may cause this overthinking. Once the pattern is identified, one must keep track of the repetition of such patterns and thoughts. Then, one must try to replace these thoughts with something else, maybe engaging in some activities that may overpower these thoughts. The idea is to replace disturbing negative thoughts with positive and happy thoughts so that the stress level is also controlled.

  1. Limiting information consumption: Chronic exposure to unnecessary social media news and information can trigger unpleasant and negative thoughts. It may raise one’s anxiety and stress levels. Therefore, one must avoid exposure to an overload of irrelevant news and information to stop overthinking.

  1. Accepting Fears: Certain things and events are beyond our control. Therefore, it is best to confront fears and accept them instead of thinking and overthinking about them. Accepting fears can significantly help one overcome them.

  1. Finding solutions: Individuals often get stuck in the circle of overthinking; if one does not control this, negative thoughts multiply, making the person indecisive. It is advised to immediately act on such thoughts based on the situation. Developing clear thinking and being able to make decisions can help control overthinking. One may distract these thoughts by finding a suitable solution.

  1. Bedtime ritual: Having a bedtime or evening ritual, especially before sleeping, can help keep unnecessary thoughts away. One must reflect on the events that occurred during the day and be grateful for the day. This helps wrap the day and gives closure to the thought process, discouraging overthinking.   

  1. Create a defence mechanism: When our minds start overthinking about unwanted topics or situations, we must try certain defence techniques which may involve:

  • Saying a prayer or number mentally or verbally to delay overthinking.

  • Prepare a list of activities that can help distract thoughts and choose to do one of them at that moment to step away from the negative thoughts. It could be petting a dog or cat, going for a walk or a workout class, painting, or simply listening to music or podcasts.

  • One may choose to do something nice for others, as it helps to release happy hormones in us.

  • Inhaling and exhaling through the stomach with one hand on the heart and the other on the stomach. This helps ground one to the present.

  1. Seek help: It is important to acknowledge that we may not always have all the answers. Sometimes, asking for help from a friend, family member, colleague, or professional can be the best thing to do instead of overthinking.

The bottom line is, overthinking can grip anybody. What is more important is that how an individual deals with overthinking and controls it before it impacts the mental health. By adopting these seven effective habits, one can reduce stress and anxiety, regain control over their thoughts, and cultivate a balanced mindset, ultimately breaking the cycle of overthinking.

FAQ on Overthinking

What habits cause overthinking?

Constant stress and anxiety can cause overthinking. It is crucial to control both.

Why am I constantly overthinking?

Overthinking may start from thoughts of insecurity, including fear of making mistakes, perfectionism, or a history of emotional trauma. 

How to comfort an over thinker?

Distracting negative thoughts, practising mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation are certain ways to comfort over thinkers.

How do I relax my mind from overthinking?

  1. Take deep breaths. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly

  2. Find a distraction. Distractions help you forget what’s troubling you

  3. Remember your successes

  4. Embrace your fears

  5. Start journaling

  6. Have a bedtime ritual

  7. Ask for help.