Work from home wearing your mental health down

Work from home wearing your mental health down?

News Mental Health

While the work-from-home model has its own set of advantages such as reduced commute times, increased routing flexibility and increased productivity, experts warn that in the long run, it can be detrimental to one’s mental health.

Offices gradually open up as Covid cases decline and many of them are implementing hybrid work models. Many businesses, primarily IT start-ups, continue to permit their employees to choose a 100% work-from-home schedule. While working from home has many advantages, including reduced commute times, protection from harmful pollutants and toxins, flexibility in routine and potential for increased productivity, experts warn that in the long run, the blurred lines between home and work can lead to relationship problems, daytime disarray and isolation for those without family or friends to keep them company. 

“It would be wise to keep in mind the lessons we’ve learned from the pandemic when most of us were working from home as most offices are now opening up or adopting a hybrid working model. “While there are definite benefits to working from home, it may also be detrimental for us as the number of daily social connections we make reduces,” says  Dr. Vinod Kumar. Psychiatrist and Director of Mpower-The Center, Bengaluru.

The introduction of the Covid-19 era resulted in a significant change in the way we performed our jobs. While the work-from-home model was initially intended to be a temporary solution, it persisted for longer than anticipated, thanks to successive Covid waves. As a result, people quickly became accustomed to working in a virtual environment without their productivity suffering.

“Most people initially found it challenging to adjust to a work-from-home situation, but as people became accustomed to this way of life, it grew on many,” says Dr. Kumar.

We wonder how the work-from-home model affects our mental health since many offices still use it and people are getting used to which somewhere has been negatively affecting social and family lives as well.

“Since most people were not accustomed to spending so much time with their family members for such extended periods, there was an increase in reports of couples and families experiencing relationship problems during the first year of the lockdown. Family members now argue more frequently and fight more frequently. The work-from-home model may not be very conducive for healthy family life “Dr. Kumar says.

According to Dr. Kumar, the work-from-home model makes it challenging for employees to set up a schedule that ensures a healthy work-life balance. While many employees overwork themselves, it is also challenging for many workers to concentrate on their jobs because urgent domestic issues divert their attention.

The expert claims that there is a clear blurring of the lines between work and home life.

“The work-from-home model automatically lowers social opportunities, which makes employees feel more alone. Many people have no social connections outside of their homes. Certainly, this harms mental health, “Dr. Kumar says.