Increase in dengue cases leads to rising demand for platelets


According to a health department official, efforts are being made to slow the spread of dengue by engaging in anti-larvae campaigns, conducting door-to-door surveys, and encouraging the Jaipur Municipal Corporation to fog areas where the disease has been rapidly spreading.

Jaipur: The demand for platelets has increased due to the city’s dengue cases more than doubling in October. Patients’ caregivers contact blood banks to collect platelets for transfusion into patients with thrombocytopenia. In this condition, a patient’s blood platelet count dips to the point where it is necessary to transfuse platelets.

A representative of a private blood bank said, “At our blood bank, the requirement of platelets was just 15 to 20 units a month ago, but it has increased to 50-60 units a day.”
Dengue cases totaled 1,201 from January 1 through September 27,however, in the following 30 days, they rose to 3,180. A health department representative stated that ongoing efforts are being made to slow the spread of dengue, including door-to-door surveys, anti-larvae campaigns, and encouraging the Jaipur Municipal Corporation to fog, particularly in areas where the disease has been spreading quickly.
The caregivers for the patients are also attempting to contact the NGOs that host blood donation events. “There have been requests for platelets. However, these calls have decreased since Diwali, which is encouraging. According to Hitesh Bhandia, chief convenor of the Akhil Bharatiya Terapanth Yuvak Parishad (blood donation), we anticipate a drop in dengue cases over the next few days.