Tired of Persistent Back Pain?

Six Reasons to Try Physiotherapy

Expert's View Physiotherapy

Nowadays, back pain has become a persistent lifestyle discomfort affecting millions of people in their day-to-day activities. However, an obvious solution is to take pain relief, and the pain subsides. But it is essential to know that this is a temporary solution. Taking Physiotherapy is a more substantial solution to recurrent back pain. It not only helps an individual overcome the pain but helps in relaxing the muscles and addresses the issue at the root cause so that the pain and the discomfort do not return.

Physiotherapy for Back Pain Relief

Sometimes, the root cause of back pain is minor, such as sitting with a bad posture or a sudden movement that may have caused a sprain. Typically, when this happens, the pain will subside on its own after a couple of days through conservative treatment such as heat therapy, rest, and over-the-counter medication.

However, if the pain is chronic or gets worse, it could signify a more serious health condition, such as arthritis, kidney infections, a herniated disc, bowel issues, or even cancer. It is, therefore, crucial to address and treat the pain in time.

Physiotherapy entails a holistic approach to treating back pain. In the first session, a physiotherapist analyses an individual’s posture, range of motion, and the varying strength of different muscles before devising a physical therapy plan.

Role of Physiotherapy

A trained physical therapist assesses an individual’s back ailment and suggests specific exercises to help them heal. Some of these may include:

  • Stretching

  • Strength Training

  • Low-impact aerobic activity

  • Manual Therapy

  • Electrical Stimulation

Six Benefits of Physiotherapy

  1. Personalized Care. One of the main benefits of seeking help from a physical therapist is that they will not use a one-size-fits-all approach. They will consider the body type, age, and lifestyle of an individual (whether an individual has a sedentary lifestyle or has an active schedule), any existing health conditions, and how they respond to different types of movement.

  1. Restored mobility. Physical therapists not only treat pain, they also look for the root cause of discomfort. For example, if an individual’s lower back is stiff, the therapist will focus on easing that stiffness. If an individual’s back muscles are weak, the therapist may recommend strengthening exercises that will aid in recovering the full range of motion.

  1. Reduction in pain. Physiotherapy reduces pain and makes the patient feel comfortable while moving the pain-affected area. The physiotherapist analyses how one moves while walking or running and how one gets up from a sitting and lying down position. This allows them to suggest exercises that will diminish the pain that is directly caused by our movements. The therapist may also use electrical stimulation to restore function.

  1. Reduces the risk of further injury. Suppose an individual is required to do repetitive movements due to their job duties or athletic activity. The physiotherapist will consider such movements and suggest recovery stretches to avoid future back injuries.

  1. It may eliminate the need for surgery. Surgery should be considered as a last resort, and physical therapy is one of the most proactive ways to attempt to resolve back pain conservatively without surgery.

  1. Reduces the risk of falls. If an individual has a poor posture or a degenerative disease that increases the likelihood of falling, a physical therapist will design a plan to improve the individual’s balance and coordination.

Before the back pain worsens and affects our movement, we should get it treated permanently, and physiotherapy is one of the best solution for persistent back pain. To book a physiotherapy session, CLICK HERE.